In order to appreciate, one must remember. The Holy Week and the services during that week were occasions for each one of us to remember and thank the Lord, for His love, His sacrifice and His resurrection. You can read more on each of the different services below:

Last Supper

The Last supper always has a special meaning to our church, since it helps us focus on Jesus’ love and sacrifice in order to serve according to His example.

The pastor talked about the humility of Jesus, who, in the face of all suffering and opposition, still chose love and humility.

Good Friday

“Jesus died on the cross, so that you and I may begin to live”

We commemorated Jesus’s sacrifice by giving thanks to our Lord, who gave us a new way of life through His blood.

Resurrection Day

“The Resurrection is a new a language that speaks about life.” Pastor Kevork emphasized the importance of living the life of Resurrection, not by might, but by faith.

Through His resurrection, Jesus put an end to the power of the Enemy, and today that same power dwells in the life of the believer (See Colossians 3:3).

Blessed is the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus!

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